Monday, April 13, 2009

Counting the days...

It is interesting but as the time goes by, everybody asks you: I can't believe the baby is not here yet? What is going on? I thought was supposed to be last week... Oh the baby will come at Easter for sure... Are you past Due?.... and so many other things.. I my opinion, at this point I just have to wait and be patient as I believe the baby knows when she or he is supposed to come and when it will be their birth date.. No matter if I eat pineapple or eggplant ( some people swear by those two to make the labor earlier.. for me is just a matter of watch and wait an surrender your body for the outcome. I know there are days that you just want to get over with it, but I have faith as women we are all magical and we can do it. We just have to believe and be in the moment, for now that is what I am trying to do...


Rosie said...

awesome! truely you are a wise mama-woman-birth-warrior and goddess.

Helena said...

Oi linda!!!! que barriguinha linda!!
I am so happy for you. We are so blessed to be able to bring life into this world and cherish our little angels with our love and joy. Beijos, linda....
Just breathe!!!